Today’s episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom
Factory, discusses What is Entrepreneurial Freedom?, and people who
want to start a business.
Listen to the podcast, watch the video, or read the transcript
What is Entrepreneurial Freedom? What does it mean?
Hi guys. Robert Hirsch
from Freedom Factory. And I want to talk to you about something
really important and specifically what is freedom? And people talk
about freedom all the time. It’s our core value. It’s in our
company name. It’s in our intro it’s, or outro, it’s our, it’s our
number one top of the list core value and freedom is one of those
things that means different things to different people. So I wanted
to define it at least as we see it for our fellow entrepreneurs.
And so my short tried answer is freedom is being able to do what
you want, with who you want, as often as you want. And that’s only
partially true.
But what freedom really is, is being able to make a choice every
morning when you wake up, being able to be on point and on purpose,
where purpose and passion really come together and understanding
what that looks like. A lot of people think that freedom, they say,
well, Robert, are you free? And I certainly defined myself as a
free and sovereign man. They say, well, why are you doing Freedom
Factory? Why did you do all these brokerages? Why are you doing the
TV show on A&E and history? What’s going on? And I think I
define freedom differently than other people.
Some people that ask that question, they think that freedom
means doing nothing. And the reality is, I’m up at my mountain
house and it sure is beautiful and I love to come up here to get
away and go fishing, but I couldn’t do every day. I would be bored.
And I would feel like if Robert fell in the forest, is it going to
make a sound?
It’s not what really drives me. I love to work. So when people
think about freedom, they think it’s disconnecting from everything
that they love so that it doesn’t matter anymore. And in fact, I
think it’s just the opposite. So when I think of freedom, I think
of it. What is it that I have to do? What is it that I cannot do?
What drives me? If you think about it like an oxen, right? An
oxygen driving a cart, pulling a cart, it’s got this big yoke over
its shoulders and people think freedom. They just want to get all
the yolks off of them. They want to fire their boss and they want
to fire their customers and they wanted to do this. And that’s
almost the opposite of what I see freedom as.
What I see freedom as is, what do I have to do. What do I want
to do with the rest of my productive life? What can I not do? What
am I going to attach my yoke to? And so many entrepreneurs, they
would come to me for consulting and to sell their business and
they’d say, I have no idea how to do it. For me, it came down to
who’s my tribe? Well, it’s people like us. It’s the entrepreneurs
in the world, and what can I do for them? I can help them stick the
landing and put resources and time and money in their pocket, and
change not only their family and their own destiny, but I can allow
them to build what it is that they find most important.
As entrepreneurs, we’re the builders and what is it that we need
to do? And that to me is freedom. It’s not how do I free myself of
everything and just float alone in the ether. It’s how am I free to
wake up and help my tribe every day? Now, if you have any questions
on this or anything else, why don’t you give us a call at Freedom
Factory. And thank you so much for spending your valuable time with
me. Please hit like and
subscribe. I’m Robert Hirsch. We’ll see you soon.
Robert Hirsch answers frequently asked questions by business owners, and people who want to start a business. In this video Robert talks about the importance of focusing on your one best skill, or as he calls it, your stupid human trick.
Robert Hirsch answers frequently asked questions by business owners, and people who want to start a business. In this video Robert talks about the importance of focusing on your one best skill, or as he calls it, your stupid human trick. #entrepreneurs
In Friday’s video podcast Robert Hirsch talks about “when is the right time to sell my business” – Watch the video, listen to the podcast, or read the transcript.
Transcript for – When is the right time to sell my business?
Hi Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory here. And I want to talk
to you about a really important subject and when is it the right
time to sell your business? This question has a bit more art than
it does science. And ultimately it’s kind of a gut check of what
you know. We’re outside. This is the backyard of my mountain
house and is kind of my happy place.
The first thing I’m going to suggest to you is get a change of
scenery. Get out of the office. Get out of the commute, either with
your family or away. Now figure out some place that you can go,
whether you love to fish or ski or go to the mountains or go to the
beach and whatever it is, just go somewhere and change your
location, and get somewhere you feel really comfortable.
And then think about your business. And I look at it and I think
about it in three questions. First, am I here and am I clear? Am I
really into my business? Am I serving my business or does my
business serve me? And I think life is too short to live where you
serve your business. Your business is your personal vehicle to more
freedom and more wealth.
And the way I define freedom is pretty simple – it’s doing what
you want, when you want, as often as you want, with whom you want.
And if you love what you’re doing and you think, God, this is
amazing, and I am here and I am clear and I’m doing exactly what
I’m supposed to do, which is the way I look at selling businesses
for fellow entrepreneurs, then that’s awesome.
And it’s not time to sell your business. If you’re not sure
about that, I would think a little bit harder, and I would dive in
and say, do I have the right vision? Do I have a clear vision on
I’m going to take my business in the next one, two, three, maybe
even five years? What do I need to do in order to resolve it and
feel great, and feel like I’ve accomplished what I’ve accomplished?
Now, if your business is growing 40% a year or 50% a year, you
probably have a clear vision. You’re probably executing really well
and you probably feel in flow. On the other hand, if you’ve been
growing at 5% for the last five years, well that’s a little bit
more difficult, and perhaps somebody else can do it better than
Whenever my business is growing at 5%, I’m looking to sell. I’m
saying, okay, I need an operator. I’m more of a strategic guy. And
how do we focus on really creating something that is amazing, where
you’re on point and on purpose, but your growth rate will be a big
indicator of that.
And the final thing is, you have done what you came to do if
you, if you went into your business, when I came to the business
brokerage business, i knew I wanted to change the way that
entrepreneurs buy and sell businesses. I’ve started three of the
largest brokerages. I hired, one of them, or I’ve acquired them to
get the people, and I’ve really made it a much more efficient
market. And that’s what I set out to do when I came here.
But if you left your current business and think about this for a
second, would you feel resolved or would you feel like you didn’t
finish the job you came there to do. So I looked back at it and I
say, okay, is my business serving me. Am I clear and engaged every
Do I have anything left to accomplish and do I have a fresh set
of ideas to really implement that vision? These are the things that
walk you through it. It’s a bit of an imprecise science, but
overall it’s really a gut check. What do you think? Do you think
it’s time to sell your business?
Because usually if I think about selling it, it’s about six
months too late. So if you have any other questions on this or
anything else, it would be our privilege to help here at Freedom
Factory. So just give us a call, please like and subscribe. I’m
Robert Hirsch. Thank you for watching and we’ll see you soon.
At Freedom Factory, we have experienced and witnessed the explosive results of entrepreneurs aligning passion and purpose to create extraordinary value. However, most entrepreneurs have no idea how to maximize the value of their business and move on to the next chapter of their lives. Thats where we can help.
Freedom Factory has radically disrupted the way high-growth, lifestyle companies are bought and sold, which historically was a horribly inefficient market. When I sold my first company in the 1990s, I went to several investment banks and sold my business to one of less than five companies they called. Looking back, I see exactly how much money I left on the table and knew that there had to be a better way. The bottom line is that entrepreneurs dont speak banker, and bankers sure dont speak entrepreneur.
Do you want to sell your business? Contact Freedom Factory for a business appraisal.
How do you know when the right time is to sell your business. In this video Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses the ideal parameters to look for.
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Do you want to sell your business? Contact Freedom Factory for a business appraisal.
In this video Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discusses the key differences that you need to be aware of regarding investment bankers and brokers.
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In today’s episode of the podcast, Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory talks about What is the Most Undervalued Asset Class. Listen to the podcast or watch the video. #assets#business#freedomfactory
Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory talks the most undervalued asset class. Freedom Factory is the world’s best business broker helping entrepreneurs sell their business for maximum value. Visit Freedom Factory’s official website here:
Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory talks the most undervalued asset class. Freedom Factory is the world's best business broker helping entrepreneurs sell their business for maximum value. Visit Freedom Factory's official website here:
Today episode of podcast, Robert Hirsch from freedom factory talks about How To Prepare My Business To Sell. Listen to podcast. – What steps should you take to sell your business? Freedom Factory’s Robert Hirsch discusses how to prepare to sell your business.
Freedom Factory was founded by serial entrepreneur Robert Hirsch, Freedom Factory is a Colorado-based business brokerage focused on freeing the entrepreneur by helping you sell your business for maximum value.